23 days complete!

>> 4.24.2009

Well, I've made it through 23 days of the Challenge and have 23 poems. Some better than others, but it's good to experiment with different forms and styles. Actually, I have written more than the 23 days worth; some were good enough that I am contemplating submitting them. Although, I have to admit, I haven't decided where or when as of yet.

I hope you enjoy my offerings, and happy writing!


Jim's Words Music and Science 4/25/09, 1:07 PM  

Well done! I look forward to going back through your work. All the best from Jim at Nearly nothing but novels: fiction and crime fiction book reviews.

About This Blog

The name for this blog was inspired by a quote by Nietzsche, below.

"Dancing in all its forms cannot be excluded from the curriculum of all noble education; dancing with the feet, with ideas, with words, and, need I add that one must also be able to dance with the pen?" ~ Friedrich Nietzsche

I plan on this being the start of an incredible journey of discovery and creativity. I invite you to bring your pen, and come dance with me!


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