
>> 11.10.2009

In the city, you forget about the stars
seeing only streetlight’s incandescence
instead of the illumination of nature.

The eye is blinded by imitation, coronas
blazing, fading out the sky, covering
night’s soft beauty, turning it into false day.

At work’s end, I travel home away from
the constant stimulation, the incessant
24-hour daylight, into the softness painted

midnight-blue, pierced only with crystal light,
glowing in the blanket overhead, and rediscover
the wondrous shapes above from tales told

and retold around campfires, and the endless
dreams flying through the sky.


Fenix9 11/17/09, 10:08 AM  

"dreams flying through the sky" This is lovely.

Catherine O'Brian 12/23/09, 11:18 AM  

lovely contrasts between the artificial illumination of the city and the natural beauty of country life.

About This Blog

The name for this blog was inspired by a quote by Nietzsche, below.

"Dancing in all its forms cannot be excluded from the curriculum of all noble education; dancing with the feet, with ideas, with words, and, need I add that one must also be able to dance with the pen?" ~ Friedrich Nietzsche

I plan on this being the start of an incredible journey of discovery and creativity. I invite you to bring your pen, and come dance with me!

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