Wedding Blessing

>> 4.30.2010

Where once there were solitary people,
now, today these two have come together –
to walk side-by-side in partnership;

their lives entwined,
rooted like the trees;
stronger together than apart;

to hold each other,
support each other,

to blossom as individuals
who choose to grow together,

to cherish being a couple by encouraging
and honoring those special traits each
bring to this marriage.

Their joined hands represent the union
of mind and body, heart and soul.

The ring symbolizes the unbroken continuity
of life, flowing, infinite.

The candle flame represents your love
burning warm and bright;

the flowers symbolize the blossoming of your relationship;
and the food represents the nourishment
of bodies and spirits.

May our Creator bless you
with wisdom, patience, humility and courage;

grace you with joy and love;
may your spirits bloom

and happiness crown your union
today, tomorrow
and always.

The Mirror

>> 4.27.2010

Before I knew him,
he was gone,
lost to this world.
No knowledge exists
of my own,
only stories told
to me by someone else.
Stories of love
and laughter,
of resemblance found
in this face of mine.
So I search
each mirror hoping
to see the ghost
I loved and lost
before I realized
what it meant
to have a father,
and seek to fulfill
the dreams once
had by the one
I never knew.

Portrait Complete

>> 4.21.2010

The hand, usually bold and precise
when drawing other subjects
while sketching its owner, stutters
in fretful stops and starts as if only
now learning the skill of drawing.

The eyes, normally clear-sighted and keen
while seeking the truth within others,
gazes at the mirrored reflection noticing
only the doppelganger instead
of the soul laid bare to vision.

The heart, normally compassionate
and giving to those of its acquaintance,
hardens when considering its own behavior,
no immediate benefit of doubt nor
thoughtful self-consideration given.

The portrait complete, merely a rude draft,
a tintype of the artist’s psyche, shadowed
by self-doubt and recriminations, a hazy
outline in hues faded by the internal censor,
a shadowy afterimage of the soul’s truth.

Quote for Today

>> 4.07.2010

"Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it.  Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it."
~Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

"Not knowing when the dawn will come, I open every door."  ~Emily Dickenson

Sea Glass

>> 4.05.2010

of some forgotten thing
shards tumbled by turbulence
in shades of sea and sky
washed upon the shore.

in oceanic waters
sharp edges smoothed through struggle
strengthened to stone
patterned by lapse of time.

from the sands and rolled
like dice within my hands
remembrance of who I once was
before finding myself a round peg.


Spring's first day was covered with six inches of very wet snow.   Less than two weeks later, Easter Sunday was crowned with 80 degree temperatures.   Welcome to spring-time in Oklahoma.

April is National Poetry Month - so read and share your favorite poetry and poets.  Poets and Writers is a good place to start,

If you like to write, check out Poetic Asides,,  where there will be a prompt for each day of this month. 

I've been catching up on my reading, looking back through some fiction pieces and working on some poetry.  I hope everyone made it through the winter and is beginning to enjoy some spring  - a time of rebirth, renewal, and fresh starts.

About This Blog

The name for this blog was inspired by a quote by Nietzsche, below.

"Dancing in all its forms cannot be excluded from the curriculum of all noble education; dancing with the feet, with ideas, with words, and, need I add that one must also be able to dance with the pen?" ~ Friedrich Nietzsche

I plan on this being the start of an incredible journey of discovery and creativity. I invite you to bring your pen, and come dance with me!

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