A Note of Interest
>> 8.14.2009
I received a notice a short time ago about which I thought some of you might be interested.
It seems that Talent Trove, http://www.talenttrove.com/, is having a Your Story Contest. The story must be unpublished, 1,000 words maximum and may be in any of several genres. The winner of the contest earns $250.00 and their story will be the foundation for a movie produced by Talent Trove.
Details may be found on their site at http://www.talenttrove.com/whatsyourstory.
Although I have never had any personal dealings with them to date, I have been approached for a link exchange with the site. It seems that their mission is to provide an open forum for artists in multiple medias to showcase their talents and to allow people and firms looking for talent to see those artists.
I thought this sounded interesting and will be submitting a story to the contest as well. It can't hurt and at the very least I may reach additional readers and friends.
Interesting. I look forward to perhaps reading your story submission. :)
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